Your pet gives unconditional love every day. This Valentine's Day, show them how much you love them.
Some Dos and Don'ts for your Furr-vorite Valentine
1. A Taste for Treats. Skip the chocolate. If you're looking for something sweet to give your pet, consider marshmallows or watermelon. Both are great low calorie sweet treat. (Be sure to consult your vet first if your pet has dietary restrictions).
2. Sweet Smelling Gifts. Flowers, especially lilies, can be toxic to your pet. If you're looking for something your pet may like to smell, look into some veterinary-approved pheromone products. Pheromones are natural hormonal scents that your pet will smell but you won't. You can also look into growing your own cat nip.
3. Bring the Bling - Instead of jewelry, make sure your pet's licenses and tags are up to date. Splurge a little and get them a new collar.
Colleen O'Brien